1. The Regulars
Establish what you wear all the time, take those pieces out of your closet and set them aside.
2. The Nevers
Now, select the items that you never wear. These can be things you love and wish you wore more, or things that don’t suit you anymore.
3. Categorize the Nevers Into ‘No,’ ‘Not Now’ and ‘How?’ Piles
If you know you’re not going to wear something again or it’s damaged, go ahead and put it in a “no” pile. You’ll donate, sell or otherwise get rid of these. If you like an item, but it doesn’t fit with where you are in your life at the moment (i.e. is pregnancy-specific), put it in a separate “not now” pile. And, make a whole other pile for items you really like but can’t quite figure out how to wear. These are your “how?” pieces and you’re about to get real familiar with them.
4. Revival
Take your “how?” pieces over to your regulars section and weave them together to create new outfits.
5. Categorize
Finally, it’s time to put everything back. Separate the pieces you’re keeping by color as well as by item type (tops, pants, dresses, etc.). Place your go-to items next to “how?” items and enjoy what feels like a whole new wardrobe. Pack away your “not now” items and take a moment at the end of the season to see if you still need them or would be comfortable donating them.
If you’re interested in booking your own styling session, you can reach Bornstein on her website or directly via email at Alliborn@gmail.com.
Happy System-ing, friends.