- Value: 17/20
- Functionality: 19/20
- Quality/Ease of Use: 19/20
- Packability: 15/20
- Fun for Kids: 20/20
- TOTAL: 90/100
Getting kids socializing right now is tricky. Pediatricians (and, um, parents) know it’s excruciatingly important. But if you’ve ever tried to keep two 6-year-olds from tackling/hugging/sharing the same the water bottle, you know staying six feet away is pretty much lost on the elementary school set.
Enter: The Stomp Rocket Dueling Rocket Kit.
I had always been a fan of the Stomp Rocket brand. For the uninitiated, it’s a plastic, air-filled projectile launcher that you jump on, in order to shoot a foam rocket up to 200 feet in the sky. (Or so says the product description; I had never had much success getting it more than about 20 feet up.) The OG version is fun for sure, but the tripod it sits on is flimsy, and it’s definitely a one-kid-at-a-time endeavor.