The 10-episode Netflix series, created by Andrew Hinderaker, follows Emma Green (played by Hilary Swank), a NASA astronaut who’s commanding the first manned mission to Mars with an international crew. The mission will be the longest outer-space flight in history (three years!) which, of course, means that it’s going to take quite a toll on the crew’s loved ones. As Green grapples with managing the mission in space, she also has to deal with her life back on Earth, namely her husband, NASA engineer Matt Logan (Josh Charles), and her teenage daughter, Alexis (Talitha Bateman).
Through a series of video chats (the astronauts can communicate with their families via video for a couple of months post-liftoff before the distance from Earth is too great) and flashbacks, viewers learn the backstory of the crew members...and it’s juicy.
”Away is a thrilling, emotional drama on an epic scale that celebrates the incredible advancements humans can achieve and the personal sacrifices they must make along the way,” says the streaming service.
Nail-biting and totally gripping, Away keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with plenty of interpersonal drama, as well as interplanetary action. We know what we’ll be watching tonight.