
These Beauty Influencers Are Sharing Their Obsession with This Under-$25 “One-Stop-Shop” Product on TikTok

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TikTok/Dasha Burobina for PureWow

“TikTok made me buy it.” Let’s be honest: we’ve all said it (and if we’re being even more honest, we’ve said it more than once). But sometimes TikTok just really comes through. Especially with those undiscovered—or better yet, rediscovered—finds that fit exactly what you’ve been searching for. In this case, let TikTok re-introduce you to Bio-Oil Skincare Oil.

You may know about this product for treating stretch marks and scars, but did you know that it has a multitude of uses beyond that? We partnered with three TikTok beauty creators to showcase exactly what those are, and the results surprised us all. Check out the videos below and see why each creator is obsessed with this under-$25 multihyphenate.

It’s Designed for Both Women and Men


Influencer Clara of @claraandtrey was excited to share her experience with Bio-Oil Skincare Oil because she and her partner both reap the benefits. “I first read about Bio-Oil with my first pregnancy…but now it’s become an essential in both me and Trey’s morning routine. There are so many uses. I recently started using it to take my makeup off and Trey likes to use it to moisturize his tattoos,” she explains. What makes Bio-Oil Skincare Oil so effective for these two use cases is that it acts as an emollient and makes skin feel soft and smooth. It’s made of various vitamins and essential plant oils, including lavender oil, sunflower oil, rosemary leaf oil and PurCellin Oil. PureCellin is lighter than other oils, non-greasy and has been shown to help repair and re-regulate the skin’s moisture barrier.

It Has a Plethora of Different Use Cases


Floridian Sydney Schiffer (@sydneyschiffer) previously used Bio-Oil to treat her acne scars, but had no idea that the product served so many other purposes. “Specifically for me, I live in Florida and I’m very fair-skinned with sun damage from the UV rays,” she explains. “This oil just helps put the moisture back into your skin and reduces any hyperpigmentation, dark spots, and evens skin tone. You can even add it to the ends of your hair to help with split ends and your cuticles,” Schiffer boasts. “This is a one-stop-shop product and it’s definitely coming with me on my trip to Italy next month and I won’t have to pack as much.” And we’re definitely taking a mental note of that tip.

It Could Even Restore Your Confidence


Alexa Mcfarlane (@lexmcfarlane) also opened up about her struggle with acne, especially as we head into the summer months. “Summer is approaching, and I just want to feel confident in my skin again and Bio-Oil is going to bring my confidence back I just know it,” she says. “So far with using Bio-Oil I’m noticing that my skin is more moisturized and more plump, and I’m even noticing that my skin tone is evening out. I’m so excited to see the progress as I continue to use Bio-Oil,” says Mcfarlane.

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