
Your Weekly Horoscopes: June 20 to June 26

The theme of this week is: getting back on track. There’s a lot going on in the astro weather, but for the most part, it’s providing forward momentum. First, on the 20th, the sun shifts into Cancer, giving us an official start to summer. Happy Birthday to our sensitive crabs, from Ariana Grande to Solange to Lindsay Lohan (who is on the rise herself right now!). Next up on the 22nd, Mercury stations direct and we can start to put everything that’s unraveled since May 29th back together. Then on the 24th, there’s a steady, grounding full moon in reliable Capricorn—a lunation for making lists, setting goals and letting our toes sink into the earth. We can’t rewrite the past, but we can adjust our expectations for the future.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

12 aries

The full moon in Capricorn on the 24th brings some deserved advancement in your career. Don’t be ashamed. Put the award on display. Go out for an expensive dinner (and pop a bottle of champagne). You deserve to celebrate. You also have a lot of people to get in touch with now that Mercury retrograde is over and your texts aren’t disappearing into a black hole. Adjust the plan and find your light.

This week’s mantra: Onward!

1 taurus

The full moon on the 24th gets you back in touch with your adventurous side, but it isn’t easy for you to just take off and explore. You may find yourself getting caught between what’s familiar and what pushes you to grow. Even if you play it safe, what you need is a fresh experience. So grab your map and take a long hike in the woods with a close friend. Watch the sunset and admire the view. This week reminds you that you’re never too old to discover something new.

This week’s mantra: Expand your comfort zone.

2 gemini

Your ruling planet Mercury finally ends its retrograde on the 22nd, and after weeks of getting caught in awkward misunderstandings, you can make amends with those who took your words the wrong way. The full moon on the 24th falls in your shared resources sector and is the perfect opportunity to move ahead on an investment with your business partner or spouse. Working through negotiations is tedious but remember, it takes patience to get on the same page.

This week’s mantra: Who needs to rush?

3 cancer

It’s finally your season, Cancer! Put on those romantic pop songs. Bake your creamiest ever mac and cheese. Invite your friends over to cry together. You deserve to celebrate in all of your emo glory. The full moon in Capricorn on the 24th lets you know who in your life you can really depend on. Don’t waste another minute worrying about the people who aren’t willing to show up for you. Especially on your birthday.

This week’s mantra: The real ones know.

4 leo

Cancer season begins on the 20th and for you this is a chance to hibernate before your true Hot Girl Summer kicks off in earnest next month. On the 24th, the full moon in Capricorn brings your attention to a scheduling or health issue that needs to be resolved before you can pursue any of your larger plans. The next few weeks are for maintenance, appointments and taking your vitamins. Don’t worry about the spotlight.

This week’s mantra: Stillness is the move.

5 virgo

Life starts moving in the right direction for you on the 22nd as your ruling planet Mercury finally leaves its retrograde. Miscommunications have seriously hindered your ability to be an effective leader over the last few weeks, but now you can get back on track. Then the full moon on the 24th reminds you that you need to make more time for pleasure in your life. Work isn’t everything. Your career won’t grind to a halt when you walk away from your laptop for the night. Get outside and enjoy yourself.

This week’s mantra: What you want can’t be ignored.

6 libra

As Cancer season begins on the 20th, you’re thrust into a leadership role at work, and despite your best effort at self-sabotage, you actually do a fantastic job. You’re getting along with your coworkers and making huge strides on projects that are important to you. Then the full moon on the 24th reminds you not to forget about your responsibilities at home and to your family. Work-life balance is key. If you value both, you can have it all.

This week’s mantra: A life is built from the ground up.

7 scorpio

Cancer season begins on the 20th, as the sun joins Venus in the sign of the crab. You’ve been intrigued by a course of study or travel opportunity and now you can focus on making that dream into a reality. But not so fast! The full moon on the 24th pulls you right back down to the nitty gritty of your day to day life. You won’t be able to truly escape until you clean your apartment or resolve that argument with your sister once and for all.

This week’s mantra: Take the big with the small.

8 sagittarius

This week’s full moon in Capricorn on the 24th falls in your personal income sector. How are you setting up your budgets, choosing stocks and reining in your online shopping? Now’s the time to be shrewd about your investments. Your usual spontaneity is not the vibe right now. Whatever values you identify now carry you far into the future so make sure you have some good advisors on your team.

This week’s mantra: Choose carefully.


Cancer season has you focused on your partner, your BFF and your work wife—making sure all of their needs are met before your own. But the full moon on the 24th falls in your sign and is a moment to reclaim some independence. This is the week to hit refresh on some personal health and fitness goals: Go back to yoga, get into meditation and put a sticky note on your mirror reminding you to take your Vitamin C.

This week’s mantra: You have to come first.

10 aquarius

The full moon in Capricorn on the 24th falls in your unconscious sector. This week is your chance to take that annual sabbatical and float down a literal or metaphorical lazy river. Put up your automatic email reply and set your iPhone to Do Not Disturb. Pull that book off the shelf that’s been collecting dust since last summer. Catching some sun and some rest by the lake this weekend helps you get back to work next week.

This week’s mantra: Float on.

11 pisces

Your ruling planet Jupiter stations retrograde in your sign just as Cancer season begins on the 20th. Since May 13th, you’ve been keenly aware of how much you need to take care of yourself. Over the last few years, you’ve really burnt yourself out and it’s so necessary now to prioritize rest. The full moon on the 24th highlights your friends and your audience, reminding you that it takes the whole community to keep things going.

This week’s mantra: It really does take a village.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast