
Your Weekly Horoscope: June 17 to 23

This week is the debut of Cancer season, which reminds us that if we can’t take the heat, we can always retreat into the sturdy shell we’ve built to protect ourself against the elements. As the sun moves from Gemini’s manic pixie dream energy into Cancer’s deep well of emotions and safety, we’re compelled to get serious about our ideas—the good ones, anyway (drop the intermittent fasting idea already)—and unfold dreams into action.

Note: Always read for your rising sign, too, because it tells you what parts of your life are going to be most affected by your horoscope.

12 aries

You remember sleep, right? Though a ram like you rarely takes it slow, you need to recharge your batteries and treat yourself to rest, relaxation and meditation—especially when you have Venus and Mars duking it out in your houses of friendship and love. That means maybe instead of meeting the squad for those after-work drinks you’ve been (as in you because no one else could get their $*@# together) planning forever, you should actually do that thing you hate the most: cancel plans last minute. Seriously. Stay in for some self-care and start bullet journaling (or at least a one-word journal) or something you’ve been meaning to do.

1 taurus

The stars are seeing some hella sketchy characters in your presence. Don’t call in sick or anything, but do be careful when reconnecting with old friends or co-workers, as Neptune's retrograde haze may confuse the situation (i.e., you don’t want Jan back from maternity leave to accidentally come across that catty Gchat you sent your workwife). But, if you lost touch for a good reason, like maybe she single-white-femaled you in college, chances are, nothing has changed (look! She has your same haircut!). On the bright side, you can use this time to gain closure from old wounds and move forward with no emotional or monetary losses (seriously, watch your wallet with this one).

2 gemini

It's not your season anymore, with both the sun and Mercury, your ruling planet, moving into watery Cancer. Hey, cheer up. That’s actually a good thing. Now you can get to work on all those projects you've been going on and on and on about for the last month. With a little bit of luck, which Jupiter is delivering to your house of daily routine, the seeds you plant will find purchase. But c’mon: You gotta work for it. Choose one of those projects (and maybe drop the crazy Shark Tank idea) and make time in your day to really, truly Get. Stuff. Done. Ever heard of a golden hour? Find yours. Love it. Be it. Do it. (Even if it means waking up at 5:00 a.m. to write a chapter of that pyscho-sexual novel you’ve had in your head for ten years now.)

3 cancer

If there’s one thing Cancers love besides emotion, it’s real estate. Where else can you cry yourself hoarse without bothering strangers but your own home? Yes, the shell of the crab is a metaphor, but this week it’s also very, very real. Jupiter’s location hints heavily at the possibility that you’ll be buying, renting, renovating or expanding some part of your home base. That means you should keep a watchful eye on those StreetEasy updates (the perfect listing is coming your way). On the flip side, start packing PB&J for lunch—you won’t have much of a slush fund once you pony up that down payment. And sure, even if you’re only nesting emotionally, you’ll feel most at home at home this week.

4 leo

Deep breaths. This is going to be a tense week for you. Some tough conversations you’re not quite ready to have—whether with a co-worker, business or creative partner or your spouse—are bubbling to the surface despite all your attempts to stop them (you can only hide in the bathroom for so long, sweetie). Don’t fret. Channel your natural charm and some additional sparkle from Venus in your sign to dance and shuffle your way out of any of these interactions because the stars agree: You are not ready for these convos. So distract, delight and delay until you can’t get away with it any longer. By then, everyone will remember how much they like you, and you’ll be fine. Maybe pick up the bill for extra points?

5 virgo

Your mind has likely been racing from all the action at work lately. You’re jazzed as hell that things are going your way—because, finally, the higher-ups realized the right hands to vest their future in: yours. But don’t let the power get to your head. Try to remember that Melinda in accounting is your friend, not your personal assistant. So even though you’re feeling all the “We Started from the Bottom Now We’re Here” vibes, set aside time for fun and friendship. Instead of breaking plans with your longtime friend and her wife, just tell yourself you’re networking. (Don’t forget: Said wife works with Anna Wintour!).

6 libra

Not only have you been working hard, you’ve been working smart, and you’re likely seeing the fruits of that labor pay dividends in the form of actual money (none of this Bitcoin stuff), whether that’s a raise, bonus or commission. All the while the sun lights up your house of prestige, fame and honor. Yeah, that all sounds fancy and fun, but c’mon dude. Don’t forget that what you value even more than money is your relationships, and this week’s standoff between Venus and Mars hits right in your love and friendship houses. If you have to mend fences, try a bribe. (You can afford it now.) No, but for real, a lovely $60 candle never hurt anyone.

7 scorpio

Hmm. You've been a little confident lately. Too confident. That head of yours can barely fit through the doorway. Enjoy the good mood in the early part of this week, but please, pretty please, come back to earth. You’ll need to be grounded when one of your friends confides something particularly personal to you. Why? Well, you’re at risk of being too high on life and haphazardly spreading that secret like wild fire—it doesn’t help that you have book club this week. Even if it seems innocuous, that hot goss may have unintended consequences you won't be able to control, and scorpions like you prefer to be in control. Stick to actually talking about Little Fires Everywhere.

8 sagittarius

It’s no surprise that you’re popular among your friends—and people who want to just feel like your friend by following you on Instagram. But! Here’s a question: Are you everyone’s favorite co-worker this week? Probably…not. Are you in control of how everybody feels about you at all times? Certainly not. But you can try to avoid getting written up this week. As your plate fills up—with work, not food, unfortunately—make sure you take the time to reassure your teammates that you respect them and value their contributions. That means you should absolutely not send that all-team email blasting Ashely for messing up a project (delete it now). Sometimes your feedback can be a bit…honest. Try to give a compliment sandwich (delicious) to soften your sharp critiques.


You've been feeling even more serious than usual lately; none of the memes your sibs send you in the group thread makes you laugh, and you’ve been craving all the murder shows you can get your hands on (have you watched Killing Eve yet?). Don’t worry. This personality zigzag is probably because the sun is farthest away from your sign right now. The way out is through your imagination (especially if you’re besieged by the half-birthday blues). With Neptune going retrograde in your house of communication, now is a good time to start a dream journal. You will either learn something or scare yourself. Both are equally valuable.

10 aquarius

You thought you were busy before (you were!), but the tasks are really piling up this week. Luckily their purpose will become clearer as your responsibilities in the office, at home or elsewhere begin to translate into long-term career success. Trust: your boss notices you stayed past 8 p.m. four times this week. When she sits you down for a little chat, fear not. She's not firing you; she's giving you more responsibility. If you're leading that alt life, be ready for some positive feedback on your personal crafts you've been posting to Instagram. Yep, it might be time to open that Etsy shop. In your productive frenzy, be careful not to alienate folks who are trying to take it easy this summer. If others want to be inspired, they will sign up for your TED Talk.

11 pisces

With the sun moving into a fellow water sign, you will find it easier than ever to access your creative genius and harness it for the greater good (all things that are music to your ears). And this week the greater good is hanging out with friends! You’re in a good headspace to connect with lots of different people across the broad spectrum of your interests—from the G7 meeting to Kanye’s recent album. The conversations you have are likely to be fruitful, and you may feel inspired to write/communicate about what you learn. It’s a prime time to organize that salon night (with wine) you’ve been thinking about. Even if you change one person’s mind (yours, most likely), it’ll be worth it.

Kiki O'Keeffe is a writer and astrologer in Brooklyn. You can follow her newsletter, I don't believe in astrology, or on Twitter and Medium @alexkiki.

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