“Crap. I was out at a club at a bachelorette party when a group of guys approached us. We danced together for most of the night and I didn’t think much of it, until one of the guys pulled me out on the dance floor, got a little too close and leaned in to kiss me. I pulled away and ended it immediately, but I feel guilty. Do I need to tell my boyfriend?”
I think you do. Not simply because it’s the right thing to do, but because it’s clearly eating you up, and your boyfriend’s response will be useful information for you to have.
First things first: You’re not alone. These sorts of “accidental cheating” moments happen more often than you’d think. And in my opinion, many of them are really no big deal. They’re miscommunications. They’re something you’d never do out of context. In other words, chill. This wasn’t your finest moment, but it’s hardly compromised your entire moral compass.
Still, a partner’s response can range from being livid to literally laughing it off. I have no idea which camp your boyfriend will fall into, but if this is a first-time offense, I think his response will be telling.