
5 Things That Might Happen If You Exercise in the Morning

We all know “those” people—the ones who wake up at the crack of dawn and complete a full workout before most of us hit the snooze button. While we are most definitely not one of those people, there are a lot of benefits to training ourselves to become one. Below, five things you might experience if you exercise first thing in the morning.

girl putting on sneakers
Geber86/Getty Images

You’ll Start A Routine

When you consistently wake up to exercise at the same time every morning, you’re creating a habit. How so? Well, planning to hit the gym after work opens you up to more excuses and unforeseen changes to your schedule (last-minute dinner plans, a project you need to stay late to finish). Alternatively, the only thing holding you back in the morning is wanting more sleep. Get over that hump and it will quickly become second nature.

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You’ll Crave A Better Breakfast

Exercising stimulates your appetite, but burning calories in the a.m. will motivate you to skip the bagels and cereal and reach for a healthy post-workout snack that sets a positive tone for the rest of your day. Enter V8 vegetable juice. Each 5.5-ounce can has a full serving of veggies to help you replenish, plus there’s no added sugar. Tip: A squeeze of fresh lime makes it even more refreshing. 

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You’ll Be More Productive Later On

Think about what you typically do when you arrive at your desk in the morning: Stroll to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, catch up on the morning headlines, chat with some coworkers. These are all things we do to slowly ease into our workday…and put off actual tasks. However, when you’ve already completed a morning gym session, your energy levels are pumping and you feel more awake, making you more inclined to fire off those emails before 10 a.m.

woman preparing healthy food

You’ll Have More Self-discipline

We all know the health benefits of exercise in general, but when you do it early in the day, you’re more likely to make better choices later on. When it comes to food, you’ll make more positive decisions, because why on earth would you sabotage your workout with an unhealthy lunch? Full circle, people.

woman in bed sleeping

You’ll Enjoy A Better Night’s Sleep

When you exercise at night, your body becomes overstimulated and it’s much harder to settle into a peaceful sleep. Taking a morning cycling class helps you fall into deeper, longer sleep come bedtime. That’s good news for you, considering you’ll have to wake up bright and early for tomorrow’s HIIT workout. Wink, wink.


Director, Branded Content

  • Writes branded content across all verticals, in addition to managing and refining editorial processes
  • Over eight years of experience in the branded content field, both as a writer and managing editor
  • Studied advertising and marketing communications at the Fashion Institute of Technology