
How to Fall Asleep Fast When You Can't Stop Tossing and Turning

woman sleeping in bed straight

True life: You’re wiped. But why, God why, is it always the night when you’re beyond sleep-deprived that you can’t actually get to sleep? We checked in with the folks at Beautyrest (yep, the mattress company) to find out their number one trick on how to fall And it works.

What you do: 

To get snoozing in no time, just close your eyes and try to visualize the details of your childhood home. Walk the hallways. Go in and out of each room. Picture the photos hanging on every wall and the details of that Laura Ashley comforter you had for at least a decade. The next thing you know, the birds are chirping, the sun is streaming in and, hallelujah, you just logged a solid six hours of zzz’s.

Why this works:

Distraction, man. For every minute you’re focused on that awkward seventh-grade photo that your mom just has to keep on the gallery wall, it’s one less minute you’re stressing about what happened at work that day.

Sweet dreams.

27 Soothing Things to Do When You Just Can’t Fall Asleep

Rachel Bowie Headshot

Royal family expert, a cappella alum, mom

Rachel Bowie is Senior Director of Special Projects & Royals at PureWow, where she covers parenting, fashion, wellness and money in addition to overseeing initiatives within...