Brace yourselves, star gazers: A "super blood wolf moon eclipse" is coming, and if that name's not enough to make you second-guess everything you *thought* you knew about la luna, you're not alone.
So, what the heck is this "super blood wolf moon eclipse" (besides the ultimate tongue-tier, obviously)? Well, it's actually four separate lunar events occurring all at once, on January 20 and 21, 2019.
This year, we'll get a total lunar eclipse of a super blood wolf moon on late Sunday, January 20 until early Monday, January 21. The "super moon" part indicates the moon will be a full moon and at its closest point of orbit to earth (called the "perigree") at around the same time, making it look bigger and brighter than usual.
The "blood moon" aspect is just the coppery hue the moon will take on during this time due to particles in the atmosphere being refracted by the tiny amount of sunlight that's still present during the lunar eclipse.