Leslie, who famously played Ygritte in the hit HBO show opposite Harington's brooding Jon Snow, revealed the news and debuted her baby bump as part of a photo shoot with the U.K.'s Make Magazine.
The duo met on the set of Game of Thrones and struck up a romance. They became engaged in September of 2017 (thanks to a simple but gorgeous engagement ring from Harington). They later wed at Leslie's family estate, Wardhill Castle, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, on Saturday, June 23, 2018.
Harington previously spoke about his and Leslie's future children in a 2019 interview with GQ Australia. In reference to their GoT origins, he said, “It dawned on me, recently. And I have no idea if we will, but say me and Rose do have children. They’ll know. They’ll be able to see the genesis of their parents getting together. Which is quite a wonderful thought, really.”
He went on to say, “I thank the show for everything. But more than anything else, I thank it for introducing me to her.”
Harington and Leslie aren't the only GoT stars to have baby news recently. Sophie Turner (AKA Sansa Stark) welcomed a baby girl with husband Joe Jonas back in July.
This will be the first child for Leslie and Harington. As of yet, we don't know their baby's gender, but we can still certainly speculate about names. Might we suggest Ned for a boy or Catelyn for a girl?