
How Prince William's Confidence Has Changed, According to a Body Language Expert

"He can let go of his nerves and have fun"

prince william confident
Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images

If you've been tuning in to Prince William's latest royal events, then you've probably noticed how the 41-year-old royal carries himself with unwavering confidence. From his thoughtful speeches to his warm meet-and-greets, there's no question that he's totally at ease during these engagements—and we're not the only ones who noticed it.

Body language expert Darren Stanton analyzed the prince at his recent events and noted how his confidence has evolved over time. Speaking on behalf of Betfair Bingo, he revealed that the Prince of Wales wasn't as confident when he was younger. Stanton explained, “He would often follow the same techniques as Charles when feeling nervous or overwhelmed. He would touch his clothes and bite his lip a lot. His face will go quite red if he’s feeling uncomfortable. He will also place his hands in front of himself, which acts as a support mechanism."

prince charles prince william
JOHNNY EGGITT/AFP via Getty Images

We've seen enough throwback pics of Prince William to know that he typically followed his father's lead. But it didn't take too long for him to overcome the nerves and step out of dad's shadow.

Stanton said, "William’s confidence has since developed another level of strength. William now shows an enjoyment in connecting with people and opening up with the public. He can let go of his nerves and have fun, while still adhering to royal protocol. He now speaks with a lot of confidence too."

It's worth noting that Prince William has continued his royal duties solo, amid his wife Kate Middleton’s cancer diagnosis. And by the looks of his most recent photos, the royal is certainly comfortable in his skin.

prince william veterans
Jordan Pettitt - Pool/Getty Images

Another plus? Prince William has been using Kate Middleton's go-to parenting move by bending down to speak with people—particularly children and the elderly—at eye level. In fact, we saw this when the prince met with veterans at the Government of Canada ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day on June 6 (pictured above).

Stanton noted, "His eye contact in recent years has become a lot more engaged and we often see that he pays more attention and is actively listening to people. We also see William lowering himself when speaking with people as a sign of respect and admiration to make people feel at ease and that people can approach him."

We get the feeling his late mom, Princess Diana, would be so proud.

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Associate Editor, News and Entertainment

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