
Genevieve Gorder's Top Decor Trick for Small Space Dwellers

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Small space living: low maintenance, high stress from a decorating standpoint...which is why we were so excited to catch up with designer and Netflix star Genevieve Gorder on the subject at a recent Allstate press event. When we asked Gorder for her best tips for outfitting a small home, she had some particularly genius advice for faking square footage.

“When the eye gets stuck on the smallness of the footprint…we believe the room is small," Gorder explained to us. But design magic trickery can happen "when you bring the curtain hardware, bookcases, paint color, tile, molding, etc., up to the top of the wall." 

In other words, when stuck with a small footprint, you'd be wise to do everything you can do to play to the height of your ceilings. Think: suspending a gorgeous pendant light. Or adding in some crown molding where wall meets ceiling. Or perhaps hanging art above your bookshelves. 

With these strategic vertical decor additions, "the illusion of grandness appears," said Gorder. "Voilà!”


Home Editor

From 2014-2019 Grace Beuley Hunt held the role of Home Editor covering interior design, styling, trends and more.