
The Only 12 Things You Actually Need When You Bring Home Baby

Congrats, you’re preggers! Now comes the part where you freak out about all the stuff you’re going to need. But good news: Newborns really don’t require that much. We chatted up some super-cool moms—and one neonatal nurse—to get the scoop on the only 12 things you actually need in your house when you come home from the hospital.

The 5 Things You Need to Get Your Baby to Sleep

arm s reach bedside bassinet for newborn baby
Arm's Reach/Amazon

A Bassinet Or Co-sleeper

Little Ruby or James is going to need a place to sleep, now isn’t she/he?

Arm's Reach ($160)


A Rock 'n Play Or Vibrating Swing

For when he/she decides he/she hates the bassinet and will only sleep in something that jiggles.

Fisher-Price ($60)

pipa nuna car seat for newborn baby1

A Car Seat

How else are you going to get that kid home from the hospital?

Nuna ($300)

pampers newborn diapers pack

Diapers And Wipes

Plan on needing about 150 diapers in the first three weeks (we kid you not) and remember: Some bigger babies won’t fit in newborn sizes at all, so if in doubt, get size 1s. 

Pampers ($28 for 148 diapers)

playtex diaper genie for newborn baby

A Diaper Genie

Because those things stink.

Diaper Genie ($54)

nuno travel stroller for newborn baby

A Stroller

Because after a week or so, you’re gonna need to get outside.

Nuna ($600)

swaddle blankets for newborn baby
Aden + Anais/Nordstrom

Swaddle Blankets

Go with the traditional ones (here’s a handy how-to) or, for the swaddling-challenged, the idiot-proof Velcro kind.

Aden + Anais ($38)

boppy luxe nursing pillow

A Nursing Pillow

The typical postpartum feeding session lasts 45 minutes and happens every two hours. You guys need to be comfortable and this pillow boasts an ultra-luxe feel (and machine-washable fabric).

Boppy ($50)

puj tub for babies

A Baby Bathtub

In the first few weeks, a sponge bath is all your newborn really needs. Still, a tub will help you gently and safely support her head. 

Puj ($45)

wallaboo babies first aid kit

First Aid Stuff

You’ll want a full-range of supplies--a thermometer, diaper rash cream, Baby Tylenol, a nail file--the works.

Wallaboo ($60)

bib and burp cloth on a baby
Petunia Pickle Bottom/Nordstrom

Some Onesies And Burp Cloths

Babies barf a lot…so be prepared for emergency clean-ups and outfit changes.

Petunia Pickle Bottom ($46)

folgers classic roast jar of coffee


You’ve got some long hours ahead of you, woman. You got this!

Folgers ($7)

5 Baby Products You Definitely Don’t Need to Waste Your Money On


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Royal family expert, a cappella alum, mom

Rachel Bowie is Senior Director of Special Projects & Royals at PureWow, where she covers parenting, fashion, wellness and money in addition to overseeing initiatives within...