The holidays are a social time—no doubt about it. Between all of the family gatherings and the office parties, there are a lot of awkward conversations to be had. So, the next time Uncle Brian starts talking politics at the dinner table, here is your easy (and completely unrelated) out.
Just say, “Hey, speaking of the United States, guess which city wears the highest heels in the country?”
According to e-commerce site Shoptiques (and their consumer sales data gathered from over 5,000 boutiques across the states), the answer is Atlanta with an average heel height of 3.77 inches. And 73 percent of Georgian ladies buy heels over flats. Miami comes in a close second at 59 percent—suggesting that ladies down South dress to impress.
In contrast, the ladies in New York City and Los Angeles prefer flats. (We’re guessing some of that has to do with the amount of walking they do.)