
What’s a Push Party and Why Is Beyoncé Having One?

beyonce push party explained hero

We definitely know what a push present is, but what the heck is a push party? No, it doesn't involve inviting friends and family to dance around you while you're in labor. Instead, a push party (a term we’re tempted to give Queen B credit for inventing herself after hosting an African-themed version with friends and family on May 20) is like a much cooler, less diaper-focused version of a baby shower. 

Most often thrown for a second or third pregnancy, a push party welcomes guests of all genders instead of just the ladies. There are fewer games and no endless unwrapping of Diaper Genies, Moby Wraps and breast pumps. The mom-to-be has already been there, done that, and she's more than happy not to play another round of “Guess How Big My Belly Is.”  

Instead, guests are there to celebrate life and the excitement around the arrival of a new little guy or gal. For the Carter twins’ soiree, there was a delicious brunch spread, bumpin' music and, of course, plenty of Instagram-worthy photo ops.

Now that Beyoncé’s push party has made the rounds on Instagram, it’s only a matter of time before we see other celebs, and our sisters, cousins and BFFs, hopping on the trend.




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