
25 Things Pregnant Women Can Do Right Now Instead of Stress About the News

Being pregnant means having a lot on your mind. There are baby names and sleep training methods and, of course, labor to think about. But during these uncertain times, things might feel a little more overwhelming than usual. So, instead of watching the news on repeat and refreshing Google every three seconds while self-distancing, consider checking one of these 25 soothing (and productive!) pre-baby tasks off your to-do list.

washing baby clothes

1. Get your nursery ready
There’s no better time to nest than the present.

2. Wash baby laundry
Spoiler alert: There’s a lot of it. May as well get ahead of the curve and have some clean newborn and zero through three months onesies for when baby arrives.

3. Be grateful that a fridge and bathroom are in constantly close proximity
Easy access to cravings are key.

4. Take a mental health walk
Some fresh air will help clear your mind. Just be sure to keep your distance from others.

5. Brainstorm names
Gamify the experience by using an app like the Baby Name App, which makes selecting an uncommon baby name with your partner an experience akin to swiping on Tinder.

6. Touch base with your doctor
Find out whether they’re continuing routine prenatal visits in person or virtually.

pregnant woman and partner

7. Listen to pregnancy affirmations
Head to YouTube or Spotify to search for some soothing affirmations. They’ll remind you what you’re capable of.

8. Set up calls or zoom meetings with pediatricians
If you haven’t selected your pediatrician yet, ask friends or your OBGYN for recommendations and reach out to set up a virtual meet-and-greet.

9. Take some time to connect with your partner
Consider this an opportunity to enjoy time with one another before baby makes three. Foot massages are definitely suggested.

10. Take a bath
Your aching back will thank you.

11. Meditate
It really does help ease stress and worry. And engaging in a 7-day challenge, like those offered through Calm or Headspace, will help give you some semblance of routine.

12. Research your hospital’s policy on separating pregnant women from infected patients
Many hospitals are briefing expectant mothers on how they’re taking extra precautions to keep sick patients away from the well. Your hospital should have a webpage devoted to Coronavirus communications. If not, call your OBGYN’s office and ask for guidance.

pregnant woman on phone

13. Set a countdown timer to baby
If the pregnancy brain struggle is real, then you might forget how far along you are from time to time (*raises hand*). A countdown app is a a great way to start the day with some positivity.

14. Finally crack open that baby book
Chances are you’ll forget everything you read in whatever hot parenting manual you picked up, but it’s the thought that counts—right?

15. Carefully craft your baby registry
You’ve got the time, you’ve got the endless registry recommendations, now to decide which diaper bag vibes better with your personal style.

16. Think about your birth plan
Even if you’re planning to wing it or have been vocal about wanting an epidural since the beginning, don’t forget to consider your wishes for your child once he or she enters the world.

17. Consider gifts for your delivery room nurses
Nurses are under more pressure than ever and gifting them some candy or a candle in the delivery room certainly wouldn’t hurt.

18. Start preparing your parents and family for a change of plans
Most hospitals are limiting the amount of people allowed to accompany a birthing mother to the delivery room to one. Many have also closed their waiting rooms. For grandparents-to-be and excited family members, this may come as a surprise, so it’s probably worth starting the dialogue now.

pregnant woman workout

19. Write thank you notes
You know that, um, interesting receiving blanket Aunt Marge sent you? Now would be a good time to write her a quick thank you note.

20. Do some prenatal yoga or Pilates
There are a number of apps and websites (Melissa Wood Health, Classpass and Glo, for example) that offer virtual prenatal workout classes. Staying limber helps facilitate a smooth delivery, after all.

21. Discuss who can meet your newborn with your partner
Newborns have weak immune systems, so many new parents are making the difficult decision to ask grandparents and family members to meet their little ones via FaceTime out of respect for social-distancing. Have a candid conversation with your partner about how to address this issue with your family so there are no blurred lines or grandmas showing up on your doorstep unexpectedly.

22. Read a book for pleasure
You may only have the brain power to consume The Real Housewives once baby arrives. Best to imbibe your love of reading now.

23. Pack your hospital bag
You never know when go-time might arrive. Gather your things, choose your going home outfit and decide how many essential oils is too many while you have some downtime.

24. Enjoy the fact that no one is touching your belly
Hey, small win, right?

25. Put your feet up & rest
There’s never been a better time to simply rest and practice self-care and self-distancing (remember, pregnant women have weakened immune systems). Be gentle with yourself and your body and make sure you’re taking time to check in. And, if you notice yourself feeling overwhelmed, consider scheduling a remote therapy session via services like TalkSpace or Teladoc. Of course, if you start feeling sick, contact your OBGYN immediately.


Cat mom, yogi, brunch enthusiast

Lex is an LA native who's deeply obsessed with picnics, Slim Aarons, rosé, Hollywood history and Joan Didion. She joined PureWow in early 2017.