September is about boundaries, which is to say: It’s not going to be easy. In fact, most of this month is going to feel like stepping hard on the gas only to realize the car is stuck in park. The full moon in Pisces on Wednesday the 2nd though is a moment of sweetness and liberation. Full moons are catharsis and this one reminds us to chase our dreams.
On Saturday the 5th, Mercury enters diplomatic Libra followed by Venus’s grand entrance into dramatic Leo on Sunday the 6th. Though our desires are burning hot this month, we’re obliged to keep our communications and our romantic gestures polite, considerate and to the point. This becomes particularly charged when Mars stations retrograde in Aries on Wednesday the 9th—a planetary shift that sets much of the cosmic mood through November 13th. Though we can’t wait to get ahead, we must slow down if we’re ever going to make any progress.
Jupiter—planet of opportunity and optimism—goes direct on the 12th, which provides a glimmer of hope in the dark. The new moon in Virgo on Thursday the 17th—which closes out the season for our meticulous earth sign—invites us to write our to-do list and stick to it until every item is checked off.
Libra season arrives on September the 22nd. Happy birthday to our gorgeous babes who keep the balance while tipping the scales, like Gwyneth Paltrow, Donald Glover (aka Childish Gambino) and the man who’d catch a grenade for us: Bruno Mars. The sun in Libra ends up in the crossfire of rigid Saturn and aggressive Mars (which make an exact square on Tuesday the 29th as Saturn gains momentum while stationing direct) making conflict unavoidable. Tensions are high and so are the stakes so tread carefully.
(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)