She captioned the post with a wide-eye emoji and five necessary hashtags: “#hestheirlovechild #icantunseethis #bachelorinparadise #10thingsihateaboutyou #logicallyirrational.”
If you remember, the rom-com is a modern adaptation of William Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew. It follows a nerdy high school student, Cameron James (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), who hires a bad boy, Patrick Verona (Ledger), to ask out Kat Stratford (Stiles) on a date, so he can take out her sheltered younger sister, Bianca (Larisa Oleynik).
While Patrick and Kat didn’t reproduce in the film (as far as we know), there’s no denying that Jones looks like he could be their offspring. Upon closer inspection, JPJ is looking more and more like the late actor…but with the eyes and hair of Stiles.
What’s even crazier is Rycroft isn’t the first person to make the connection. In early August, a BiP fan posted a similar comparison photo on a now-private Twitter account and pointed out the uncanny resemblance.
The caption read, “OK call me crazy but John Paul Jones could be the son of Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger #BachelorInParadise.”
We can’t unsee this.