
The Internet Is Horrified by the Way ‘BiP’ Alum Derek Peth Eats Cheese

There are multiple ways to eat brie cheese: Some like it with the rind, others prefer it without. Some smother it in jelly, others keep it as is. Still, we never thought eating the wedge like a sandwich was an option, yet that’s exactly what Bachelor in Paradise alum Derek Peth did.

It all began earlier this week when Ashley Iaconneti posted a video on her Instagram Story, which featured Peth eating cheese. However, it wasn’t until reporter Yashar Ali re-shared the video on Twitter that it started gaining traction.

In the clip, Peth is holding a wedge of brie in one hand and a slice of bread in the other. But instead of spreading the cheese on his baguette (like, who knows, a normal person?), the BiP alum shocks everyone by alternating bites.

Yes, this means he takes a huge mouthful of the chunk of brie. Chews. And then goes for the bread. Just let that sink in.

We can’t seem to get this image out of our head—because it’s not every day we see a grown man biting into a wedge of cheese. And we haven’t even touched on the fact that Peth didn’t remove the rind, which is a controversial subject in itself.

Luckily, we aren’t the only ones who have an opinion. Some Twitter followers said what we’re all thinking, writing, “Derek, what the hell?” Others are weirdly turned on: “This earned him an instant follow. He’s only missing the wine.”

We can’t unsee this.


Senior Editor

Greta Heggeness is a California-based editor at PureWow and has been writing about entertainment since 2015. She covers everything from awards shows to exclusive celebrity...