As the dynamic duo of the beloved Star Wars franchise, Han and Chewie (played by Harrison Ford and Peter Mayhew) were first introduced to the world in Star Wars: A New Hope in 1977. Co-pilots, co-loners, best friends; whatever you want to call them, they were undoubtedly inseparable.
On April 30, 2019, Peter Mayhew, the man behind the fur, passed away at the age of 74. Famous for playing the lovable Wookiee, the 7-foot-2 actor left a lasting impression on his fictional counterpart. In a statement made to The Hollywood Reporter, Harrison Ford reflects on their friendship with a touching tribute:
“Peter Mayhew was a kind and gentle man, possessed of great dignity and noble character. These aspects of his own personality, plus his wit and grace, he brought to Chewbacca. We were partners in film and friends in life for over 30 years and I loved him. He invested his soul in the character and brought great pleasure to the Star Wars audience.”
The actor continued on to say, “Chewbacca was an important part of the success of the films we made together. He knew how important the fans of the franchise were to its continued success and he was devoted to them. I and millions of others will never forget Peter and what he gave us all. My thoughts are with his dear wife Angie and his children. Rest easy, my dear friend…. ”