The film, slated for a 2022 release, will be a fantasy adventure that puts a whole new spin on classics like Cinderella. The story centers around two students, Sophie and Agatha, who claim to know their rightful paths in a world where students train to become fairytale heroes or villains. However, Sophie and Agatha's futures are thrown into question when each finds herself at the wrong school. In the description for the book series, Chainani writes, "The School for Good and Evil is an epic journey into a dazzling new world, where the only way out of a fairy tale is to live through one."
According to Netflix, Charlize Theron will be playing Lady Lesso, the Dean of the School for Evil, while Kerry Washington will be playing Professor Clarissa Dovey, the Dean of Good. The roles of Agatha and Sophie will be filled by Sofia Wylie and Sophia Anne Caruso, respectively.
In addition to directing, Feig will produce the film alongside Joe Roth, Jeffrey Kirschenbaum, Jane Startz and Laura Fischer.
With Washington and Theron on board, we're ready to go to class.
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