Union's video, which was made to look like an official movie trailer (and which she previously shared on Twitter back in 2018), immediately begins with a toast from Kevin Hart. Not surprisingly, the actor and comedian has the crowd in stitches right away. He says, "D, I’ve seen a change in you. You’re happy. Gab, you’re happy."
Throughout the clip, we see a montage of fun wedding highlights, which include a few famous faces, from LaLa Anthony to John Legend, who performed live at their wedding. The trailer, which claims that "two families become one big family," also features clips from the couple's preparation process on their big day, all while Cheryl Lynn's "Got to be Real" plays in the background. The actress captioned the clip on Instagram, "Still floating from this day. When my BFF became husbae [heart emojis]"
Wade followed suit and shared a clip from the wedding on social media, captioning the pic, "6 years and counting......"