Not that brunettes have ever been out of the spotlight (see Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez, Mandy Moore...need we go on?), but they're definitely having a major moment lately. From Instagram to the red carpet, we've been seeing more ladies rocking various shades of brown. The latest iteration? Chocolate cake hair.
What on earth is chocolate cake hair? In an interview with Allure, colorist Liz Cook explained it as "deep" and "vibrant" with "balayage highlights to emphasize the face and add brightness to the deep brown tones." In short, think: less ashy or neutral toned, more warm and rich.
Her inspiration for the name? "The highlights almost remind you of the gooey frosting in-between the dark chocolate layers." (Anyone else picture Mary Berry saying this sounds "scrummy"?)
Want to try it out for yourself? Ask your stylist for a deep brunette base and ribbons of caramel highlights blended throughout, concentrating on the pieces around your face. You could also show them some photos of Mandy (above), Jessica Alba or Olivia Munn for more inspiration.