
Got Kids? *This* Is the Wallpaper for You

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Kid-friendly high design. Isn't that an oxymoron? Not so, guys—thanks to a little thing called vinyl wallpaper. 

ICYMI: vinyl or "coated" wallpaper options have gotten really good in recent years—and you don't have be an interior designer to source them either. Mass retailers like WayfairLowe's and even Amazon carry huge selections for every style.  

Here's the scoop: While your standard wallpaper could be easily destroyed by grubby little PB&J fingers and errant crayon strokes, vinyl wallpaper is (typically) coated in a polymer—and thus, water- and stain-resistant. (In other words, it's wipeable, people!)

In addition to a making genius addition to a kiddie bedroom or playroom, we're loving the fun reminder that wallpaper can totally work in a kitchen or bath. 


Home Editor

From 2014-2019 Grace Beuley Hunt held the role of Home Editor covering interior design, styling, trends and more.