The Prom centers around an Indiana teenager named Emma, who wants to bring her girlfriend to her school’s big dance. However, they’re banned from attending. Womp, womp.
Meanwhile, Dee Dee Allen and Barry Glickman are New York City stage stars with a major problem on their hands: Their new (and majorly expensive) Broadway show is tanking, just like their careers. Can they use Emma’s story to save their reputation?
The movie features an all-star cast, including Meryl Streep, James Corden, Kerry Washington, Nicole Kidman, Ariana Grande, Awkwafina, Keegan-Michael Key and Andrew Rannells (The Book of Mormon). In addition to directing the flick, Murphy also produced the soundtrack along with Grande and her manager, Scooter Braun.
As shown above, the trailer offers a rare look at the flashy movie, which centers around a highly relevant story. The clip also introduces viewers to Streep’s over-the-top character, who is convinced she’s the best thing since sliced bread.
No, really. When she’s checking into her hotel, she immediately places an award on the reception desk and says, “Surely you know who I am. Where is my suite?” The clerk tells her there are no suites, which prompts her to pull out another award and say, “Now do you have a suite?”
The Prom (based on an original concept by Jack Viertel and a book by Bob Martin and Chad Beguelin) is the latest addition to Murphy’s already lengthy list of projects he is working on for the streaming company—including three series (The Politician, Ratched and Hollywood), two untitled documentaries and a movie stage adaptation of The Boys in the Band, directed by Joe Mantello.
If you need us, we’ll be listening to this soundtrack on repeat.
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